By Kshell
Well its that time of year where fans of baseball teams who are completely out of the playoff race are getting excited. I love football for several reasons. I love the fact that in football every team in the NFL has a chance. In the NFL a city like Green Bay has as many Superbowl titles as the New York Giants. The NFL and College Football are the only sports where I can watch a game of two teams that has nothing to do with my particular favorite team and enjoy that game.
In the NFL because of Fantasy Football(Which I'm the two time defending champion in my keeper league of 16 teams btw) even when the Seahawks are doing horrible I can watch the Sunday Night or Monday Night game with some interest. Baseball I play fantasy baseball but its just not the same, football its all done in one weekend. In the NFL and College Football every game means something as well. In baseball you are going to win 60 games and you are going to lose 60 games regardless of how good or bad you are.
I personally can't wait for preseason football for the Seahawks. I'm really excited to see the new guys like Golden Tate, Charlie Whitehurst, Earl Thomas, Russel Okung. I'm so excited for football. I'm also going to love football because I have something other than the boring ass Mariners to write about. The Mariners are so boring and I'm sure everyone is tired of reading about them just like I'm tired of writing about them.
I can't wait til September 4th when UW travels to BYU. I'm hoping this is a bowl team and at BYU will be a great test. Nothing gets me going like UW football. When UW wins it makes my entire day great, a UW loss ruins my week. UW football is by far and beyond my #1 team and no other team even comes close.
I'm excited for some football. At least during football season I won't have to worry about writing about the Mariners anymore. At least during football season my team actually has a chance as its hard to be burried in football for a few months. At least if my team is horrible I always have my fantasy football team. Are you guys ready for some football?! I sure as hell am! I can't wait for football season!